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Is there a free (or cheap) program that has the pucker tool like Photoshop?
Photoshop is wayyy too expensive for me, but I want to make myself look thinner in my wedding photos. :P
5 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
What goerge said is correct. Only I would download from the official site
Here is a video where the iwarp tool is used to give someone muscles. Just so you can see how it works.
Use the move tool instead. And play with the setting of how large the move tool should be.
- ?Lv 71 decade ago
Gimp can VERY EASILY do that for you . is the program download and click on Filters then Distort and then on Iwarp. You probably want the move tool and the shrink tools in there. The two sliders can be moved to perfect your warping. If you mess up simply press cancel and start again. You may want to take baby steps and click OK then a couple more steps and click OK if you aren't comfortable with editing. You CAN'T UNDO inside of Iwarp but if you click apply and don't like what you see then you can undo by holding CTRL and tapping Z . Need any help? I am very familiar with that tool. One of the funner as well as functional tools.
I must say that I agree with Maah. On the same token i have used Cnet/ for YEARS. I haven't had any viruses or worms or any problems at all. While I trust that is a darn good place to download because it isn't a third party site.I simply prefer to stay with the download source I know and trust. It has already made sure the file is clean and safe for downloading. You also get reviews from users. There are MANY MANY tutorials on Links to forums and everything Gimpy. Make sure if you download it from the Gimp site you get the STABLE release from which of course is the 2.6.11 . The newest er Beta releases sometimes have bugs and the older plugins and such may not work.
BTW I have a little treat if you want it. It is Gimp. Not only is it Gimp but it is Gimp on steroids. If you foresee yourself editing as a hobby in the future the functionality of this BLOWS away little Gimp. I downloaded most of this from separate third person sources then I see everything I have downloaded and more in this one pack. It is called GIMP Massive Package. When you open it double click on "install-all-of-GIMP-2.6.11-setup" do NOT try to install it by bits and pieces.
- Anonymous7 years ago
To get Gimp for free you can click here on the link
I have been using it for years