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Favorite Answers10%
  • I'm so bored and unmotivated. Depressed?

    So this past week, I have been so bored and uninterested. All of a sudden video games don't sound at all interesting. (I guess this is sort of a good thing). I cannot stand school. I want to go to college and get good grades, but I am unmotivated because it is so easy. I just broke up with my girlfriend too. I am not really that sad but I feel depressed. I have always loved to ski, and even that sounds uninteresting. I don't know if I am depressed or what. I swim everyday so working out really isn't a problem. I am not sad but I just feel unwanted even though I have a good group of friends, I just feel so isolated.Nothing sounds interesting to me. I just want to sleep. Some one please help me

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • How to I get rid of the "crap"?

    I have a vista computer that I just upgraded to to 7 in hopes of a faster computer and getting ride of a ton of error messages that come up at the start up. I just powered it on and those error messages were still there. I was wondering if there is some way to make the startup free from all the error messages and other things my computer wants me to sign up for?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to prevent whiteout footage with my GoPro?

    I got a gopro helmet camera/sport camera for skiing. Most of my skiing is done when it is overcast, but there have been some sunny days when Im skiing on the backside where the sun is shining bright onto the snow causing wasedout footage. This angers me alot and I was thinking about maybe making some sort of camera tint to prevent this, but i dont know where to start. Any ideas on how to prevent washout footage or videos or pages on how to make something like this?


    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • Headphone Jack Recorder?

    I want to record computer sound effects, but I have no way in rendering them with a software program. I was wondering if they made recorders that can record from a headphone jack of a computer or mp3 player. Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • GoPro Movie editing software, FREE?

    I just got a GoPro and was planning on Windows Movie Maker for Vista 64 bit like usual. However, I couldn't open the files up since they are in mp4. I don't want a program for converting but rather anther free alternative to Windows Movie maker that can open mp4 as well as some effects. Also, it would be really nice if it had a "reverse" video feature. Thanks

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Installations of discs on ps3?

    So i got a ps3 2 weeks ago. I am still pretty new to it. I was at a friends recently who has a year old xbox 360 elite and he was talking about how he "installed" the game. He still needed the disc, but the game loaded so much faster than my brand new ps3. I was wondering how i can "install" it on ps3. It is Black ops if that helps. Thanks

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • PS3 in game music? Also can i rip songs onto it?

    I just got a ps3 2 weeks ago and it is awesome. I was just wondering if you could put songs (mp3) and movies (.mp4) onto it. Also, once i get music onto my ps3, is there a way that I can play music while im in a game. I know xbox can do this but can the latest ps3 update do it?? Best answer will be choosen

    3 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • What should I buy?? GoPro or Computer?

    So I have a lot of money to spend from gifts from my Eagle Ceremony and Christmas coming up. I am really into doing "extreme" stuff like mtn biking and skiing. So I looked into getting a gopro which I found for $230 on this website, $70 off. However, I am really into making music, like techno and dubstep on my computer. However, I only have a netbook. I found this mini computer on craigslist, pretty new, with good memory as well as Fruity Loops, Cubase, and Reason all for $150, without a monitor. I really like to make movies and make music. What should I buy? Is the GoPro Helemet Hero full HD really worth it, or can I get buy with the 720p version? I need help. Best answer will be chosen.

    1 AnswerCamcorders1 decade ago
  • What should I buy?? GoPro or Computer?

    So I have a lot of money to spend from gifts from my Eagle Ceremony and Christmas coming up. I am really into doing "extreme" stuff like mtn biking and skiing. So I looked into getting a gopro which I found for $230 on this website, $70 off. However, I am really into making music, like techno and dubstep on my computer. However, I only have a netbook. I found this mini computer on craigslist, pretty new, with good memory as well as Fruity Loops, Cubase, and Reason all for $150, without a monitor. I really like to make movies and make music. What should I buy? Is the GoPro Helemet Hero full HD really worth it, or can I get buy with the 720p version? I need help. Best answer will be chosen.

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Netbook external sound card?

    So I have an Acer Aspire One Netbook with Windows 7. The built in sound card is really quiet and it makes some annoying crackeling sounds. I was wondering what a good usb external sound card would be so I can listen and make music in loud environments and not have crackles. Thanks.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Is masturbation wrong?

    Ok so I am Catholic and I know that masturbation is a huge sin. But my balls have like this pain in them and I feel that maybe masturbation could help. I was just wondering if masturbating would be wrong in this occasion. I wouldn't be doing it for the purpose of getting off, but rather to help myself try to feel better down there.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • From Windows 7 to Linux Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.10 Acer Aspire?

    Ok so I downloaded the 10.10 disc image and created my thumb drive just for linux and installed the usb creator thing. Now, I click the application that says "wubi". From here I click on the "Demo and full installation" button. I have three choices and I choose to reboot now. From there, my computer reboots and I keep my flash drive in, but it is still loading windows 7 starter. How can I trial this on my netbook? Thanks

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How can I stop wet dreams from occurring?

    So I am 15 and a half and have been having wet dreams for like 2 years now. I am so sick of them. Sometimes I have two in one night which is super annoying because I can never go back to sleep. I know that you might say to masturbate and have sex but both are against my religion. Is there any way to stop this or get the sperm out without the previously stated options?

    9 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Why can they show The Gods Must Be Crazy in school?

    I saw the movie like 3 years ago and just wonder how they can show that movie in school. For those who don't know it features naked women throughout the movie. I watched it during the African section of a geography class in 7th grade. I didn't learn much from the movie either. It was really weird. Thanks

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • How do you ski with music in your helmet?

    I used to have these little speakers in my old helmet but i just got a new one, a Smith Maze, without the music. I dont really want to listen to music through my earbuds because my ears get sore. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago