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Adding someone to my house title.?

I need to add someone to the title of my house (not mortgage). I live in Toronto, Ontario. Please tell me how I can go about it. Thanks

4 Answers

  • Barb G
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, if you add someone to your title they must be added to the mortgage as well. A mortgage is interest in the land, and if the land is owned by someone else, the lender no longer has the loan secured.

    If you adding someone to title to allow for automatic right to survivorship in the case of your death (to ensure it isn't taxed as part of your estate) it should only be to a spouse or offspring. Anyone who is added to the title is responsible for any other liens that may one day appear on the title, whether they feel responsible for repaying the debt or not. Because of this, all parties must secure Independent Legal Advice before any title change.

    You should also be aware that if another person is placed on title, they own the property too. At any time they can go before the Court and demand that the property be sold and the proceeds be split. When you see a lawyer to transfer title, ask them to draw up an Agreement for you that outlines that the person on title has no financial entitlement to the property at the time of transfer, and that outlines what happens to the title in the event of disagreement and separation.

    It really isn't wise to add someone to your title. Go see a lawyer and they will explain what you are signing away.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If I was you I wouldn't do it, unless it was your son or daughter. Avoid the headache!!!

    Specially if you are adding a fiance, spouse, etc. because if lets say the relationship doesn't go as planned and there is a conflict in the future, then you will only own 1/2 the property, you'll be half as rich!! :)

    To add someone to the tittle I would call the tittle company (this is not the mortgage company you had your loan) it is a separate entity. If you dont know who issue the original tittle, then contact the bank in which you got the ex-mortgage, they should have their info. Just call them up

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have a mortgage on the property, you can't add someone to the title without redoing the mortgage in both your names. In the US, if you own the property free and clear, you have to file a deed that conveys title from the grantor(s) to the grantee(s). So, you would file a grant deed as the grantor issuing the title to the grantees (you and whoever you're adding to the title).

    If I were you, I would call a title company and ask how that works in Ontario.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Toronto is one of the very most modern varied towns in the world and with hotelbye you may have the chance to visit it. Toronto is a crank, if the wheatear is good; is a vivid, big-time city abuzz with activity. In Toronto you will see a few of the world's finest restaurants but additionally popular landmark. Among the areas must-see from Toronto could be the 553 yards CN Tower. Imposing over the downtown, the structure is seen from nearly everywhere in the city. Visitors have the choice of only appreciating the creating from the bottom, or going for a journey around one of the remark areas or restaurants for fantastic opinions of the town and Lake Ontario. The CN Tower was created between 1972 and 1976 and was when, quite a while before, the tallest freestanding framework in the world.

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