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Non-Apple MP3 player recommendations?

I am looking to get a new non apple MP3 player, to replace an Apple iPod.

Now, lets make it clear I do not want an Apple. They are expensive, and have locks to prevent use of other than licensed accessories. Because of that, I will have nothing to do with Apple.

Now what I need:

At least 8 GB.

Expandable with SD/MicroSD/other affordable flash.

Has navigable screen ( no displayless "shuffle" models.

FM Radio.

AAA or Li-Po battery.

Standard mini-USB or a dock connector.

Can separately handle music and audio podcasts like iPod can.


Remote control (wired okay) or easily navigable front buttons to run from a case.


Power from USB/Dock.

Can play video.

Syncs with iTunes

Built in+expansion memory as one big space.

Budget:$150 Canadian, including 8GB or more of expansion.

Available at Canadian retailers is good.

Need I add: No Apple.


The Sansa Fuze is my first consideration, I just wonder if there is a better value out there.

Oh, and I use shuffle as my primary means of listening to music, and really like it..

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    get the sansa fuze or the sansa view it has rechargable battery music photos and video a micro sd slot can work with itunes and rhapsody comes in 2 4 or 8 gig and the view is 8 16 and 32 gig you can buy an optional dock no remote though and it has a 1.9 inch screen on the sansa fuze and the sansa view has a 2.5'' screen i think but i know its good for watching movies on

  • 5 years ago

    Best Non Apple Mp3 Player

  • 1 decade ago

    GREAT Question! I'm looking forward to the answers. My friend in France recently bought a CreativeZen.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    idk sorry just answer cuz i need points to ask a question

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