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iPod replacement MP3 player recommendations?

I currently have a 5G iPod video, 60GB, and a remote/FM radio accessory, I use it to listen to music (largely with the shuffle feature), audio podcasts, and music videos.

It is on its last legs, which I'd like to plan on replacing it, so am looking at possible replacements. Due to Apple's accessory licensing chip in recent models, they are out of the question entirerly.

What I need is at least 8GB flash or 30GB HDD. I will accept less flash if it can be upgraded with an SDHC card.

I need Shuffle that shuffles just music tracks, less podcasts.I could get an el-cheapo player for podcasts, but I want something decent for music.

It must use standard headphones.

FM tuner is a must. Timed recording from FM is a plus, but not necessary.

I would very much like a wired or wireless remote capability where I can make my own or use an affordable accessory remote. The remote needs to at least play/pause, skip forward/back a track, and volume up/down. Or a player with largish buttons on the front I can run through a case without looking at it.

A USB mini connector is preferred to a proprietary connector.

Video and photo playback are a plus, but not necessary on a Flash unit

Except for the apparent lack of remote, I really like the Creative Zen.


As I said, Apple is totally out of the question because of their accessory license chip. If they hadn't require accessory manufacturers buy an Apply license chip, I would consider Apple.

Other than the "No Apple" thing, I am quite flexible, so long as I can play my relatively static music collection (which I could whittle down to fit 8GB), with shuffle, and easy access to play/pause, skip track, and volume.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think your asking for too much in one player, try to be more flexible if you can, because I don't think one with all those specs in one player is out there. I would highly recommend the 32gb ipod touch for you.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

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