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What is the tallest mountain in the US?
Does Mt. Saint Helen's count as a mountain since it's a volcano?
Alaska! Interesting! How about in the continental US?
5 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The tallest mountain in the USA is MOUNT McKINLEY in Alaska, with a height of 20,320 feet or 6,194 meters.
Yes, it counts as a mountain.
In the continental US, it's Mount Whitney in Sierra Nevada, California, which is the 11th tallest mountain in the USA.
Source(s): - cyswxmanLv 71 decade ago
Yes, it is a mountain, a type of mountain known as a volcano. It is not the tallest however. Depending on how you want to determine tallest, the highest mountain above sea level in the U.S. is Mt McKinley (Denali) in Alaska, at about 20,320 feet above sea level. However one could argue that Mauna Kea in Hawaii (the Big Island) is not only the tallest mountain in the U.S. but the world as well since it rises 33,476 feet from the floor of the Pacific Ocean, with about 20,000 feet of it below sea level.