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Is using a lot of punctuation a bad thing?

When I answer questions, I'm always getting that little pop up that says, "Hmm, looks like you're using a lot of punctuation." Why does Yahoo care?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I always get that pop-up when I use quotations. So I say to myself, "Who is the president of grammar at Yahoo and why is he/she telling me that my use of commas and quotations are incorrect?" (there's the pop-up)

    Yahoo also does not like my use of ellipsis..........

    I think it is Yahoo's effort to improve the quality (and lucidity) of the answers.

    I do appreciate the pop-up for spelling, but the grammar pop-up catches the correct punctuation, but misses the incorrect ones, <<< See?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yahoo just gives you information. Its not bad. By using too many punctuations you might end up typing slowly (maybe).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm with you! The pop-up is beyond annoying. I prefer to punctuate my answers correctly (especially when answering academic queries).

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say "its your character" to use a lot of punctuation. I use quite a bit of it to get a message across to the reader yet, people correct or criticize. I have replied, "Oh, well, I got "A's" in English class, "how about you?"

    Source(s): My writing makes "cents" toward me and, if it don't make sense toward you, then, it must be when the "sails are up" as in viewing the artwork.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Am I the only one that doesn't find it annoying? I find it quite useful. But no, it's not a bad thing. I do it all the time. I never fix it though. I only use the spell checker.

  • 1 decade ago

    this just to help u in making a right sentences

    don' care about this ,it is not so annoying

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