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jojeba asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

Infected Root Canal - personal experience?

I had a root canal a year ago but they were unable to get one of the roots out. This year the tooth got chipped so - when I went in for another unrelated filling - the dentist filled the chipped piece. Within a couple of days I was in immense pain and felt like pressure was building inside the tooth. I figured it was infected, so went back to the dentist who gave me antibiotics. However, it's my third day taking them and the pain has not subsided at all. Every night about 3 or 4am I am woken with this excrutiating pressure and pain. I have taken the maximum amount of painkillers I am allowed to take each day just to make it through! Does anyone know from experience whether there is still a chance the antibiotics will start to work, or is this a sign the tooth is just going to have to come out??

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please understand that so called "modern dentistry" may be modern, but that doesn't mean it's the best. Dr. Black, in 1915, started what we call modern dentistry. He wrote many articles and was a very bright guy. He talked about the deterioration of the jaw bone and identified this as a big problem. It has been IGNORED by the dental industry ever sense because they simply do NOT know how to deal with it.

    Root canals done with the typical dental materials and sanitizing techniques are grossly inadequate and are causing huge problems for people that most are not aware of.

    Dentists hate to have this information exposed and I get attacked personally for making this information available, but the facts are what they are. The body's immune system simply will not work in many areas of the oral cavity due to low blood flow. When dentists drill out a root, the cavity needs to be completely filled. Gutta percha does NOT FILL THE CAVITY completely and leaves voids where bacteria breed. The hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide solutions they use to sanitize a canal, only kills about 30% of the germs.

    When these germs are allowed to breed, they go into the bone below the root canal tip and cause what is called "NICO" (neuralgia induced cavitational osteonecrosis) or deterioration of the jaw bone. As the bone deteriorates, there is NO PAIN. So it's easy for dentists to ignore this problem. As the bone deteriorates, it also causes the few capillaries that are there to be destroyed and further generate more infections due to the low blood flow, keeping the bodies immune system from protecting you.

    These infections rage on and deplete your body of it's minerals, breed what is called "biofilms" that protect bacteria, viruses, fungus, etc. They are sticky polysaccharide sacs that are found in cancer patients. In fact, it is one major way cancer is spread throughout the body.

    To have a root be left in a root canal is quite unbelieveable and with the right lawyer, I'm sure you could prove up a case from the problems you are having. The body's primary way it gets blood flowing to an area to heal it is to cause inflammation. Taking pain killers, typically, will reduce inflammation and prolong the problem while you feel better. To ignore the "root cause" of this problem can be disasterous for your health and very dangerous.

    I would seek out a dentist that knows what he is doing. In particular, find a good biological dentist that can help you. It doesn't sound like you are in good hands to me.

    good luck to you

    Source(s): CNT, B.A. biology & chemistry advanced nutritional research
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Infected Root Canal - personal experience?

    I had a root canal a year ago but they were unable to get one of the roots out. This year the tooth got chipped so - when I went in for another unrelated filling - the dentist filled the chipped piece. Within a couple of days I was in immense pain and felt like pressure was building inside the...

    Source(s): infected root canal personal experience:
  • Bren
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    my daughter has had no end of problem with one particular root canal. and several courses of antibiotics. recently when dentist was doing filling in next tooth and did xray he said there was infection under it and that it would have to come out. he said it would be very simple which should have been a warning. a half hour appt turned into an hour as he struggled to get the root out as it broke . in the end he had to open up her gum and get it out she had 3 stitches in it for a week and was traumatised for quite a while as she hates the dentist. once the stitches were out she has made a quick recovery. hopefully this is the worst scenario but to be honest i would get it out before its totally rotten so that u dont have the same exerience. good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you have the pain in the tooth that means the tooth is infected so even if the antibiotics work and pain is controlled youcan have the pain again till the cause of pain that is infection is not removed. so either go for re root canal treatment or get the tooth extracted.For more information on this you can read the following very informative article from a dental website

    You also use their free dental consultation service for answers from dentist

  • 1 decade ago

    The antibiotics should have worked by now... if this was the day after i would advise you to leave it a little bit longer to give the antibiotics time to kick in... it sounds like the tooth still has a nerve in one of your canals...this could be infected and slowly dying. I would advise you to go to your dentist and have an xray would be helpful if you asked your dentist to see the xray and get him/her to explain it to you aswell.

    Source(s): dental nurse
  • 1 decade ago

    it because the nerve must still be alive in your tooth thats causing

    the pain my sister had a root left like that in a tooth at the side of her mouth near enough to the front and dentist did same as yours except fill it , meant to wait for root to ease down first before doing that but

    it was so painful so made emergency call to them to wip it out few weeks ago and what a relief it was she said she was fair sick of the pain going up her face and everything from it and that she was even in bad form with it because it was so painful. the only job for it take it out . best of luck with it .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if root canal has failed, get it extracted than take a lot of antibiotics & pain killers & get your stomach screwed.

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