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Now I've heard (almost) everything...(Parental Rights)?

Please read linked story...

I've heard of some Judges with absolutely no brains, but this one takes the cake. Anyone else feel a chill go through them after reading this?

10 Answers

  • VB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Holy crud. If that's for real, then this world has become way too pathetic of a place to be.

    That definitely took the cake, it's simply hard to comprehend what the judge was thinking. Perhaps that judge is on crack?

    Dang... that's just sick.

  • This is just sad... I agree with the person that said Mom probably put her up to it.

    Now, if something happened to that girl because her Internet access and activities were not being monitored, then this judge (and Mom) would have been all over Dad for not protecting his child. He couldn't win no matter what he did.

    I would be disconnecting the Internet access though...Whats the Judge going to do, order him to have an Internet provider?

  • 1 decade ago

    And the world wonders why children behave the way they do today!

    Geez! That is awful. If my child did that to me, she'd be in for some serious punishment! The courts, I believe, have no rights when it comes to parenting your child. Now, some cases are severe and the parents need to be repremanded for that (if they are truly beating/abusing their kids). But, come on. We can't even look at our kids wrong now. It totally gives the kids an upper hand b/c they think they can rule. Parents need to stand up and be parents. And the courts need to get over it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the judge should be reprimanded and taken off the bench. She should have thrown the case out rather than waste taxpayer money on that ridiculous case. Clearly, the judge is unable to make a good judgment. I agree with other poster - I'll bet the mother put her up to it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm telling you, we live in a sad world now. You literally cannot discipline your children anymore. Spanking was the first form of punishment to attempt to be abolished, now a non-physical form of punishment is being lifted? You see why the government needs to stay out of our homes when it comes to raising our children? I'm disgusted by this article.

    Our country is becoming more and more afraid to discipline because of things like this. We are on the road to a unruly generation of children that will grow up to be ill-mannered adults because they never learned to listen to and respect authority. I refuse to cave into it, court ordered or not.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG. Someone take this off the internet before all the children in the world read it. If I was that girl's father it would be off to boarding school for her. I hope my children love and respect me more than that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the judge. Although I don't see how it's any business of theirs on how a mother or father punishes their child, but to ground her for chatting or being on the internet is ridiculous. Maybe if the father had done a better job of teaching his daughter about the dangers of the internet and sending pictures is not a good idea or giving out any personal information instead of just grounding her. Sounds like he didn't do a very good job himself and keeping her out of a school function is just dumb!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes that was pretty bad but the only credit I can give her is being so smart as in how she could actually win that case.I didn't even know you could take your parents to court for that.Thats very odd.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that girl is ither a spoiled brat who has gotten her way all the time and daddy is sick of it..or mommy and daddy are divorced and mommy put her up to it!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    what is this world coming too i would have grounded her for 2 months damn canadians

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