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Have you ever been fed up and then stumbled across something that restored your faith in Humanity?
I just did today reading a news story here on Yahoo (link below).
Read the story and let me know what you think - just goes to show that a heartfelt gesture can come from out of the blue.
2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoMore to the "Now I've heard everything file."?
Alberta, roundly known as Canada's version of Redneck USA, has decided to become known as anti-ejimakashun with the Inclusion of a Rider that puts Teachers into a precarious position. Bill 44, which after a decade of Activism by the Gay Community, enshrines Gay Rights into Alberta's Human Rights Act, included a contentious rider that allows parents to pull their children from class and have the teacher charged with a Human Rights Violation if they disagree with what is being taught if it relates to Human Sexuality, Sexual Orientation, or violates their Religious Beleifs. Please read the attached article (first link), and tell us all if you think it's a good thing or a bad thing.
The second link is for all results dealing with Bill 44 (for those wanting more background).
What I find particularily objectionable is that *anything* can be touted up as part of someone's Religious Beliefs - were I a teacher and taught about WWII, simply mentioning the organised slaughter of Jews, Gypsies, and Homosexuals in class could see me Charged under the Alberta Human Rights Act as violating the Religious Views of at least half a dozen cults and several branches of Muslim beliefs, as could teaching my class that Women and Men are Equal in the eyes of the Law, and that the Girls have as much right to live how they wish as do the to count how many cults and mainstream Religions I just insulted?
So...what do you think?
7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWho thinks Air Farce should put Stephen Harper up for the last ever Chicken Cannon?
And what ingredients (other than the obvious of Crow and bull-pucky) do you think should be used?
4 AnswersComedy1 decade agoNow I've heard (almost) everything...(Parental Rights)?
Please read linked story...
I've heard of some Judges with absolutely no brains, but this one takes the cake. Anyone else feel a chill go through them after reading this?
10 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhich should we be more concerned about from an ethical standpoint?
The fact that Miss Cyrus used a body double for about 30 seconds in her concert, or the fact that a concert-goer broke the law and videoed the concert? (And that a member of the supposed legitimate media then aired the illegal clip.)
Personally I believe the concert goer and media outlet(s) are the bigger villians (and that the concert goer should be fined the same a if (s)he'd done the same at a move theatre in the US...$10,000).
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago