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Lv 7

What are the steps to remove the transmission from a 1985 325e bmw?


javier2162000 didn't mention if it was Automatic or Manual. But as near as I can figure from my Motor manual, they only came with manual transmission.

But I got tired of answering his questions about his cold-start valve problem that he just ignored, and when he sent me a private e-mail about this instead of posting it, I just posted it for him, because I really didn't have the time.

5 Answers

  • Brad G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    remove the exhaust system, support the transmission on a jack. Remove the crossmember at the rear of the transmission. Remove driveshaft. Disconnect the battery and remove the starter. remove the torque converter bolts (Im assuming its the automatic) disconnect the oil lines to the cooler at the tranmission. remove the shifter cable from the transmission and disconnect the speedo cable. disconnect the electrical connector on the drivers side of the case and if there is one on the passenger side then unplug it too! remove all the bolts that attach the tranmission to the engine and the two bolts for the lower section of the dust shield at the lower bell housing . GRAVITY DOES THE REST

    Source(s): 20 years experience
  • 1 decade ago

    First of all stand there and stare at the car for awhile. Then if you like to drink beer go back in the house and grab a few beers and sit down in your favorite chair and drink the beers then. go back out side and stare at the car some more.then get a BFH and start working on the car. Or save your self the headache and pay someone who has experience to do the job for you. I myself hate tacking jobs that I know nothing about unless I have someone with me that has done it before. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1 - get off computer, 2- go to parts store and pick up service manual for $20 , 3 - read manual , 4 - run away , unless you have a shop and lots of tools.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol if you are on the computer asking how to do it--DONT lol you will end up killing yourself in the process. transmissions are very heavy and unless you know what you are doing you will get hurt or damage more on the car than it already has

  • 1 decade ago

    as above

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