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I need advice about being pregnant and single?

I am in a very bad situation. My husband of almost 3 years decided early this month that he was no longer happy with me and wanted out of our marriage. This came out of the blue!! So I tried to move on and last week found out that I am pregnant. This is my 3rd pregnancy with him but have lost the other babies due to premature rupture of membranes. Now he has moved on and is sleeping with his sister's sister (gross right) and doesn't want to be with me even though I am carrying his kid. I'm so sad to be going through this pregnancy thing without a partner to share it with. My mom is helping me out a great deal but it's not the same as having an excited partner with me. I don't want to be single right now. Whether that means being with my ex or finding another guy. But no guy will want a chick who's pregnant with someone elses baby right. What do i do??? I'm so lost right now!!!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when you find the right person to spend your life with, it wouldnt matter if you were carrying and aliens baby, they will love you no matter what. I dont think you should settle for anyone less. Think of it this way, if you do find a partner you'll know their motives. I have alopeica (lost my hair as a teenager) When I met my husband, I told him about it the first night we hung out. And we are married now. You have to find someone who will love you under the worst circumstances. good luck hun.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wait, his sisters sister? That would mean it was his sister too...right?

    I'm sorry you have to go thru this. My friend had to go thru a pregnancy alone b/c her b/f was beating her while she was pregnant. Its very hard, but when you get sad just think about how wonderful your baby will be when he/she finally comes. Concentrate on just the baby. You dont need anyone else. You horomones are going nuts right now, when the time is right you will meet another guy, and you would be surprised at how many want to be with a girl who has a kid. They are more mature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    deep breaths

    You can do this.

    Fate is giving you the opportunity to stand on your own two feet.

    :) let your mother be excited with you and lean on her for help; thats what mothers are for... to be there when we need them.

    Yes, there are plenty of men (lots of fish in the sea) that won't have a problem with going out with a woman thats pregnant, but why bother? just wait and let them come to you.

    and forget the ex, you are too good for him!

    Depending on a man is just as bad as being single in a lot of ways... especially right now and in your situation. Your hormones are different right now. You, like most pregnant mothers, probably even have a different personality than when you aren't pregnant.

    Find some fun things you can do! Fun is more fun without having a man you have to answer to!

  • 1 decade ago

    calm down, you can get through this!! i did it with my oldest, it was just a little different, we were together for a long while and when i told him i was pregnant, he told me to get an abortion, when i refused, he left, ( good riddens ), anyway, i am happily married and he has taken my son as his own and adopted him, we couldnt be happier. i know its rough, but its very doable. with you having the support of your mother, thats a great thing to have and she will help make it easier. and if hes that nasty to sleep with his sisters sister, well you dont want him anyway. you can do this, with or without a man. and you would be surprised at how many men take care of women that are pregnant with someone elses child. you are not alone in this!! i wish you the very best of luck and a happy and healthy pregnancy. God bless you and that baby

    Source(s): mom of 3... 8 weeks 5 days pregnant with #4 and was a single mom for the first 18 months of my oldest sons life
  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry you are going though this!! He is a asshole and a loser . Thank God he left before your child got to know him . Your Child does not need a man like that in his?her life!!

    You are wrong there are allot of men that don't mind you being prego. But the question is do you need a man right now?? No , You should focus on doing what you have to for you and your baby!! Put your Ex-Husband on child support!! Then get your life together !!

    Source(s): Good luck !!
  • 1 decade ago

    You are not alone hun.. im in the exact same position

    I told my boyfriend of 3 years i am pregnant. He was pleased on the first day, but then went and discussed with this father and now his whole family are saying i tried to trap him? i had him and his father on my doorstep hurling abuse at me saying i done it on purpose and tried to trap him?? I dont understand as we were in a 3 year loving relationship. I have not heard from him since only to demand some things he wanted to collect from my house. This happened 9 weeks ago and im 11 weeks pregnant. I have tried to call him but he wont answer my calls. I am stressing out over this which i know is not helping my baby chances at life. I just want your views as to what i should do now and i have no idea... abortion is not an option - i cannot put me or my baby throught that. I am the most non-maternal person you will ever meet which makes it harder on me as i would simly not do that to myself or my so called boyfriend of 3 years.

    Source(s): we went through a rough patch 3 months back but decided we were too much in love to call it off. The relationship blossomed and things were better than ever. As an additional note both his teenage sisters fell pregnant whilst on the pill but this has been overlooked by him and his father... they said i should have known better because im older. How can they have one rule for them and another for me... its unfair that the family have shunted me out after knowing me for 3 years. I feel let down by his mum (as a mother herself), for not even asking me how i or her grandbaby is doing)... the morals of a mongrel.
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually there are alot of men out there who are fine with a woman having children. Honestly if the guy really likes you then it wont matter. As a single mother myself, sometimes it can be harder or easier. You have to be both parents but its not impossible. Hopefully your husband decides to be a man and be there for his child. good luck!

    and likewise for me if you ever want to chat just email me

  • 1 decade ago

    hello dear been in a similar situation some 20 years ago now - have your baby as I had mine - its hard work being a single mum but you can do it - my beloved son is at Uni now - I already had 3 daughters when this happened - glad y9u have your mum to help you. God Bless

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    don't run into another mans arms just becuz you are afriad. you are lucky he left you he's a sicko sleeping with someone who might as well be his sister. thats disgusting. with my first baby was all alone just had help from my was actually easier on me to tell you the truth. i know it seems like hell right now but men are freakin annoying! lol seriously they are insensitive asses. with my first i had my mom for support and she knew what i was going through so we was very sensitive to my cravings and needs. with this one my bf is like ugh are you seriously going to make me go right now and buy you such and such? like its such an inconvience for him he doesn't even have to be pregnant! he still gets to do everything the same. oh seriously i'm super hormonal. i'm sorry i'm really trying to control it lol. but girl its not as bad as it seems i promise. it'll only get better.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi there love im a single mumif you would like to chat in private just add me and i will email you or vice a verser

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