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Is there any way to get CPS to divulge who *didn't* report a Mom to them?

My husby's ex just chewed him out tonight when he picked up the boys for Halloween. Seems she got reported to CPS (Child Protective Services) by someone unknown to us (we checked with family) for letting the boys run wild (unsupervised) and one of the boys throwing a trumpet out her home's window, etc. She blamed him and alternately me. It wasn't us. This may well make a bad situation with her worse - there's no way she'll believe it wasn't us unless CPS tells her it wasn't. Is there any way to get CPS to divulge that it was *not* us who called? Or anything else someone can suggest? She told my husby CPS would be talking to him too. Should we worry about this? Did she report him in "revenge" or is this standard for CPS to talk to the non-custodial parent?

My husby is going to call his lawyer in the morning. Was just curious if anyone had a possible solution other than the tried and true "let time pass" which I doubt will help in this instance based on his ex's past behavior.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With CPS, the names of the person who made the report is kept confidential. They won't tell her that you didn't do it either. They really don't say much, except check out the situation when it is reported. You might just try talking to her and telling her that you really didn't do it and just try and make things right with her so that she can have a nice relationship with you and your husband. I am going through a very bitter custody battle with my ex husband, not by my doing. As a born again Christian I want to stay away from the court systems with all the lying, slander, backbiting, etc that goes on in courtrooms. I have so tried to talk to my ex, but he does not respond ever since he remarried. Please don't let this be you and your husband. It is so much stress on the kids and can be hard on a marriage, as it is on mine at times. Also, the stress of all the court procedures has made me just ill with headaches, anxiety, etc. I have put everything in the hands of the Lord. Trust me, He does come through. He can make bad situations into good ones. Again, if you and your husband can, try and talk to the children's mother and make peace with her, in the end it is worth it to everyone involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    If CPS continues with a case against her, she will have the opportunity to confront her accusers and will see that it is not you.

    You really can't make CPS do much of anything to clear up her misinformed opinion.

    But you can point out to CPS if they come to investigate you, that ex threatened to file in retaliation. Won't look too good on her end.

    Best plan--call the lawyer like you said.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only way CPS will give you this information is if a judge subpoenas it.

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