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I have a DVD, Toshiba model SD-K600 u. It works except for the sound.?
Is there something I could replace, like a transistor , capacitor or something that would get the sound to work. I have pluged ito varoiuus TV's that I know work, so I am sure it is the sound circuit.
3 Answers
- aunt_webbyLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
my brand new 10 year old Toshiba VHS player exploded when i plugged it in for the 1st time !
take it back to agent ?
- 1 decade ago
We just bought one with the same problem. Did you just buy it? We did and when we tried to take it back, they said that it was intentional damage on our part. Which all we did was buy it, take it home, and hook it up. it worked for 2 or 3 movies and then the sound stopped working. Good luck with that!!
- SimplicityLv 41 decade ago
There may be a code that should be installed. Take it back and have them check for that but if that isn't the problem, refund or exchange it.