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Lv 7

Tablet Question for those who use them. Is it worth getting a tablet with phone/text capabilities or is WiFi only a better buy?

Yes I have a cell phone and computer.  For those of you who might ask "... well do you need or use text, phone..." I have texted on my older tablet as it is connected to my cell via my wireless plan not a tone, but some.

I also just bought a Samsung S6 lite and I didn't realize it is WIFI only.  I'm wondering if it would be worth it to exchange it and spend a little more and get a bit newer and "5G" tablet or just stick with the tablet I purchased.

I'm just looking for opinions to help me rationalize which would be a better purchase in the long run or in general.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    No Chance without Jesus

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