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Would you delay or stop divorce proceedings after reading this?

If you feel like sharing, why or why not?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, it takes two to tango. Dr. Phil is making a huge assumption that both individuals are rational and reasonable. That's not always the case. Especially, in my experience.

    Dr. Phil often makes this mistake when trying to reason with people. He obviously is an optimist (I am too)... but I don't think he's truly paying attention to what's going on around him out here in the real world. Today's society is producing individuals that are selfish, shallow, and uncaring. Few people are willing to work hard enough to do what it takes to succeed at anything anymore. Most folks seem to think that society owes them a comfortable living, for some silly reason.

    I'm done.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Adultery is the *only* grounds for divorce with the possibility of remarriage. There are three grounds for *separation* - 1) Extreme physical abuse 2) Spiritual endangerment 3) Willful non-support Each should be so extreme that the offending mate could be disfellowshipped if a Witness. There is information on this in an appendix in the God's Love book, but the definitive article on this subject is the 11-1-88 Watchtower, page 20. === 'Committing adultery in the heart' is not grounds for divorce or separation. Jesus said that the only grounds for a divorce was 'fornication' (Matthew 19:9). There is no such thing as 'fornication of the heart.'

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My ex wouldn't have tried to do anything to make it better. He just wanted to leave because I had MS. I would not delay or stop the divorce proceedings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm actually not the one initiating the divorce,my husband is. and even though i don't love him anymore i tried my hardest to work things out with him. i come from a background where a divorce is the very last resort, and even then it's still frowned upon. the only comfort that i get is knowing that i was a good wife and i did my best. it's not my fault my husband prefers strip clubs over me. besides i don't think Dr. Phil is even a real doctor.

  • 1 decade ago

    When I left my first husband, I was running for my life, literally! He was a psycho nutcase who was going to kill me. Yeah, I'd wait around till we had peace and harmony. I'd be stone cold and in a shallow grave by then! Mine is an extreme case, but I don't know many people who are happy and peaceful when they get divorced! That's just dumb!

    I agree you should try everything possible to save it, if you are both wanting to save it, and are both sane, but you have to know when to stop beating a dead horse, as the saying goes.

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    No, firstly becuz I think that Dr. Phil is full of it at times & second becuz his questions he askes you to ask yourself are ridiculous.

    Ask yourself:

    Are you still in love with your spouse? - No matter what of course you're gonna love them in some way no matter what painful problem you're both dealing with.

    Are you hurt? - It's a painful time! DUH!

    Are you scared? - Of going into an unknown territory by yourself after thinking you were gonna share the rest of your life with someone... Yea! Who wouldn't be?!

    Are you angry? - Yea becuz most people... don't want to be divorced!

    Are you confused? - Well the thought of "What am I gonna do now?" does drive a person mad.

    I just think I would consider his opinions but it wouldn't change my mind if I was resigned to do it. His answers are too simple for such a complex problem.

    Source(s): Life.
  • melady
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No. I could answer no to all but one of Dr. Phil's questions. And that was Are you angry? Sure I'm angry, my spouse left me and our kids for another woman. Too quick to call it quits! He already did. But I'm not still in love with my spouse, not hurt anymore, not scared or confused. Sign the papers on the dotted line.

  • I'd kill myself for actually caring what Dr. Phil thinks ...

    Besides he's an alcohalic who's marriage is in the trash WHY would I take marriage advise from him?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would definitely rush my divorce right now and no one can ever stop me. I just get married for a wrong reason, and it will not happen again. I just put my life in hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    No American is intelligent enough to lecture on the rights and wrongs of divorce.

    Sanctity of marriage is a joke because the religion it represents is a joke.

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