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What is a Widget?
Okay, I should have been more specfic. I was talking about the Widget thingies on my yahoo tool bar. I know all about the other kinds of widgets.
11 Answers
- chuckey is illLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
[edit] Economics
"Widget" is frequently used in texts and speech, especially in the context of Economics, to indicate a hypothetical "any-product." Companies in such texts will frequently be given names such as "ABC Widgets" or "Acme Widget Corp." to indicate that the particular business of the hypothetical company is not relevant to the topic of discussion
- 1 decade ago
Two commonly referred-to types of widgets are the Yahoo! Widgets and the Dashboard widgets of Apple Macintosh computer users (Microsoft refers to them as Gadgets both in Windows Vista and the Windows Live system.). KlipFolio refers to them as Klips, and Google Desktop refers to them as either panels or gadgets. Widgets, in this case, are downloadable interactive virtual tools that provide services such as showing the user the latest news, the current weather, a dictionary, a map program, sticky notes, or even a language translator, among other things.
A desktop widget typically provides easy access to frequently used functions or provides some visual information. Early examples of widgets were desk accessories on Mac OS (these, however, cannot access the internet). The Active Desktop system, developed by Microsoft, was the first system to enable desktop objects with internet access. Typical widgets include News aggregators, clocks, calculators, calendars, desktop notes and weather forecasts. These little applications resemble the tiny freeware apps that were developed by enthusiasts during the 80s.
Source(s): - Old Fat Bald GuyLv 51 decade ago
A widget is a generic term for a small but useful gadget of some kind.
- Kris LLv 71 decade ago
I actually know that ... a 'widget' is a small piece of software that does something 'over and over again' in a loop. There is a website you can go to to 'download' all different kinds of 'widgets' ... I have one that gives me 'pictures' and the names of all different kinds of Koi (fancy goldfish, usually found in ponds) ... I have two 'goldfish' that are 'plain carp' but I LOVE ALL GOLDFISH ... but you can get ones that tell you the weather at your location, different locations in the world, or the 'time' in different locations of the world, or do 'simple mathematical calculations.' I do know that a 'widget' is such a 'small and repetitive' piece of software that it can't be 'sold' ... so they 'give them to any who want them' at their website. Do a search on 'widget website' and you'll get AT LEAST ONE ... and HAVE FUN looking at 'all the different widgets.'
- HawksterLv 51 decade ago
Zack, and Old Fat Bald Guy are on the right track, but the term is most commonly used for the small round item ( usually plastic ) found in cans of fine beer or ale. It usually has a couple of holes in it, and is placed there as an agitator to help maintain the charge.
- 1 decade ago
1. a small mechanical device, as a knob or switch, esp. one whose name is not known or cannot be recalled; gadget: a row of widgets on the instrument panel.
2. something considered typical or representative, as of a manufacturer's products: the widgets coming off the assembly line.
Source(s): - 1 decade ago
I'm assuming you mean like online. It's a component of a graphical user interface, usually developed by a third party that the user (you) interacts with. Like a website that posts a window that has a game in it for you to play. if not talking about online it's a name for an object or, more specifically, a mechanical or other manufactured device
- Anonymous1 decade ago
a made up item often used in business to explain something
- Anonymous1 decade ago
something on .slideshow, ur bunnyherolabs buddie