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If liberals were in charge, would they seek to make trade deals with the drug cartels to import cocaine and other drugs?
10 Answers
- Anonymous2 years ago
Uh... no.
That was Ronald Reagan and Manuel Noriega... remember. ??
- Anonymous2 years ago
Epic troll fail.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Smart liberals would legalise some drugs so they become affordable and addicts don't have to resort to crime or prostitution anymore.
They would definitely NOT negotiate with smuggling cartels
- EisbärLv 72 years ago
I know. Can you imagine if liberals were in charge, and started saying things like drug cartel gangsters who dismember people with machetes, have sparks of divinity?... oh wait, they already have said things like that...
- Anonymous2 years ago
wait- don;t liberals run the media & all the inner cities?
- Jeff SLv 72 years ago
BS! Conservatives betray America by refusing to see through Trump's lies and deception!
- EntropyLv 72 years ago
I would legalize drugs so that I could end the drug war, save a ton of money and direct law enforcement resources towards solving murders and other real work. This would allow a legal industry to evolve which would drain the cartels of money and allow Mexico and Latin America to establish the rule of law which would allow their legal economies to develop and in turn lead to fewer illegal immigrants.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Gay Liberal
Five foot four, 106 pounds. Run an under 4 hour marathon
I run, work out, do yoga, go to the gym, and play in a soccer league. I get 80% of my calories from organic rice, beans, lentils, and quinoa.
I look in the mirror every day. I lift up my shirt. If I don't see definition in my abs I go down to 2 meals a day.
Drink very sparingly
Never used tobacco
Never used marijuana (that just another form of smoking)
Never used drugs, except after surgery, as prescribed by a doctor.
Consequently, my skin looks FANTASTIC. Sugar and drugs and alcohol wear your skin out.