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How do you get rid of the brown patches in a lawn that were caused by dog waste. Will the grass grow again?
Will the grass regrow or will it require reseeding? Is ther any way to prevent this from happening?
9 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The pee contains acid which....depending on your type of grass could harm or help the grass. I have centipede grass....which loves where ever the dogs pee....the grass is greener. If you have Bermuda does not like use lime to take the acid out of the soil. Simple. Lime.
- 1 decade ago
Depends on how long the waste was there. It will probably grow, but reseeding is quick and easy to do in small areas. Only way to prevent it is a fence or to make sure to dispose of the waste quickly before it damages your lawn.
- 1 decade ago
Those enzyme tablets don't work...neither does the spray that you spray on the grass to prevent dogs from going there.
Water the grass often and it will grow back...or dig out the brown grass and plop some sod there if you're in a hurry!
- 1 decade ago
Yes you can get rid of the brown spots. Go by some fertilizer you can get a bag at Home Depot for $9.00. I believe it is called True Green it will make your grass look better in 4-7 days make sure you give it lots of water as well
- TerisuLv 71 decade ago
There is an enzyme tablet you can give your dog that's supposed to make the urine not burn the lawn. To tell you the truth, I never noticed if it worked or not. I only tried him on them briefly. I've had decent results with grass seed meant for dog urine burn. Look in garden supply stores for it. Fall will be when you need to re-seed. Or if you catch your dog peeing, you can immediately flood the area with a garden hose. Or train him to pee in a certain part of your yard, that's less noticeable. Take him on a leash to it first thing every morning, and always dump his droppings there too, and he will eventually get used to going there.
- 1 decade ago
Make sure you keep the areas well watered to flush the nitrogen from these areas. This also helps the critters not to return to the same spot FYI: The brown patches we thought were from dog waste were actually a fungus called dollar spot, which must be treated chemically. :D
- Anonymous1 decade ago
yes the grass will grow again
Source(s): we have a dog so we know