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    When the Queen dies will it interfere with the telly schedules?

    Favorite Answer:

    Yes it will, which is very inconsiderate of her. Especially as all the major TV networks will be showing the exact same footage. Hopefully one of these channels might play carry on films all day, which is bound to cheer us all up.

    13 Answers2 years ago
  • 9
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    Y did Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip have children after Prince Charles?

    All they needed was Prince Charles, Their Heir and the future King of England. But for some reason. they decided to have extra children. Y? These children are useless. And all they will do in their lives is cry about Prince Charles as the lucky one. how Prince Charles is the special one. The Queen might as said forget having more children, though i understand she still had to fulfill her sexual needs like everyone else. But still.......

    9 Answers2 years ago