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    Many attempts have been made to see if 'right wing' can be reduced to some detectable standard. All have failed. So if you use that term?

    You are being a hate-filled unthinking bigot. Consider that in no other area of life is it possible to reduce everybody in the word to 2 termini on a 2-dimensional line.

    7 Answers2 years ago
  • 67
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    How can I buy a second car?

    My son is turning 16 and I would really like to buy him a car. I bring home about $2500 a month, and my car note is about $500. I have no other big expenses, so I can afford it. I have fair credit, but only 1500 for a down payment. The lot I went to told me I would need a co-signer, but I don’t have anyone to do that. What are my options? Should I take out a personal loan for the down payment? I really don’t know what step to take now.

    40 Answers2 years ago