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    Bank question?

    I did something stupid to my Chase acct in the amt of $200. They never put me negative just closed my acct, even sent me a check for the balance which was $2. I deposited it into my Varo acct. Can Chase debit my Varo if they come looking for that $200?

    7 Answers2 years ago
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    How much do I have to pay back if I borrow a loan of 250$ from a cash Net USA?

    I borrowed a loan from them but didn’t wanna get to over my head so what is their interest rate?

    6 Answers2 years ago
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    Can an HR manager dock an employee (chauffeur's) pay for smoking a cigarette while getting the company car serviced at gas station?

    I work at a law firm, and my co-worker (who is the senior partner's chauffeur) is basically the office gossiper. He's always expressing his dismay for a lot of the staff members, particularly the HR manager. But sometimes I wonder if he's fabricating the truth in an effort to blow off steam. For example, according to my question above, he said that the HR manager asked him if he took a cigarette break on his way to pick up or drop off the boss. My co-worker admitted that he did smoke a cigarette at a gas station while the service attendant was pumping the gas in the company car. So HR said she's docking five minutes out of his pay for that. Did that really happen, or does my co-worker just hate HR'S guts so much that he's exaggerating how evil she is? I mean, it sounds so far-fetched, as well as the following...

    Another time, the chauffeur told me that his paycheck was short. So when he went to the HR manager's office and confronted her, she disagreed, to which he ripped up his pay stub (we get direct deposit) right in front of her to express his anger about her carelessness.

    The reason I'm wondering about this is because I don't want to fall victim to a fake co-worker who two-timed me. So I'm trying to stay aware of my surroundings. Is he all bite and no bark, and should I be careful around him?

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    would it be fair to say that the unsolvable border problem has prevented brexit? is brexit dead?

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    Yes certainly the "Irish backstop" was the part of Mrs Mays withdrawal agreement MPs on all sides would not accept as it could trap us in a customs union for ever.

    1 Answer2 years ago