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Favorite Answers46%
  • Is it just me or is YA dying?

    I haven't been here for quite a while and now it seems that newer questions are getting rarer and SPAM has drastically increased.

    6 AnswersTrivia4 years ago
  • Why are my Yahoo Answer feeds messed up?

    Since a couple of days, I keep getting "Your criteria doesn't match any questions" or very few recent question, my notifications don't notify me as much for things like upvotes.

    I've confirmed that my upvotes are not notified anymore. I verified the feed options and that is OK.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers5 years ago
  • Does an elevator gain weight while it lifts something?

    Ignoring any possible air friction factors, does it gain weight while lifting an object?

    4 AnswersPhysics8 years ago
  • How do I reverse this equation?

    I have the following equation but would like to isolate L:

    P = 5L^2 + 5L

    How do I get L as a function of P?

    Note that the "^" symbol represents an exponent.

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to have rough circular shapes on the arms when starting a fever?

    My dad's been having these intermittent fevers for a few days now and when his temperature starts going up, these rough circles appear on his arms.

    Has anyone seen or heard of anything like that before?

    So you have a background on the situation, they've done quite a few blood tests that turned out normal, checked his heart and lungs and have yet to find an explanation to his condition.

    The doctor doesn't seem to think it's a severe condition but is keeping him at the hospital until his condition gets back to normal or they at least find what's going on.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Do I need to go to ER if I banged my head?

    I just banged my head on a shelf corner and would like to get your advice to know if I need to seek medical help or not.

    I didn't see stars or felt dizzy. Based on the direction of the hit, which was nearly parallel to the top of my head, I don't think I had a concussion but can't be sure about it.

    I should mention that I have a tendency to somatize some symptoms when I worry about them, so it would be nice to know what kind of very specific (and more obvious) symptoms I should watch out for.

    Thank you very much!

    2 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Est-il légal d'organiser un tournoi payant au Québec?

    Il ne s'agit pas de jeux de hazard, de cartes, ou autres, mais bien d'un jeu d'habileté comparables aux dames ou aux échecs.

    Doit-on avoir une licence pour ce genre d'activité, et qui doit-on contacter?

    2 AnswersJeux d'argent1 decade ago
  • In Quebec, are paying skill game tournaments legal?

    In Quebec, is it legal to organize skill game tournaments for which players register for a fee and can win a prize?

    I can't say which game is involved at the moment but the competition type would be comparable to a tournament of chess or checkers.

    3 AnswersQuebec1 decade ago
  • How can I remove the green algae on my turtle's shell?

    Lately green algae developped rather quickly on my turtle's shell.

    I'm wondering if I should wash it with a cloth, but I'm afraid to hurt or stress it.

    What do you think?

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago