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  • Can you use the same sheets on a california king that you would on a regular king?

    I may be getting a california king bed this month and would like to know if I would be able to use regular king sized sheets on it, or if I have to buy california king sheets and comforter?

    7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What causes you to be itchy?

    Not itchiness because your skin is dry or you have an allergy or some type of bug bite or anything...I mean just regular itchiness that comes randomly.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • How long will this sunburn last?

    On Saturday was my brother's wedding which was outdoors and the bridesmaids dresses were all open shoulders and back. I burn super easily and am now presently badly burnt. It hurts like nothing else and it doesn't really go anywhere. It's been over 48 hours and while it doesn't hurt AS bad, it still hurts very badly. I did have sunscreen on, btw, but it didn't really work. I have put aloe vera gel on it multiple times per day and taken ibuprofen and used an ice pack as often as possible. I wear as little clothing as absolutely possible (no bra because it absolutely kills, but a light t-shirt and a hoodie since I don't have a bra on)...I have very little range of motion in my shoulders right long is this going to last? I am doing everything I can, cool showers and no soap to irritate the skin....It just isn't working. It's not peeling either.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What do ya think of this??

    I am planning to paint my bedroom next summer light blue with one wall black. The wall I desire to paint black has two HUGE windows centered in them and will have white blinds. Also, on the black wall I will paint white "swirlies" (kind of a paisly, but not...if THAT makes sense) Therefore in NO way will it be a solid black. I want to have white and black furniture (my bed frame will be white for sure) and I will have a desk, a bedside table and possibly a vanity (not sure of those colors yet) No dresser because I have two closets up here and it'll be pushin it because the bed is cali king. So, do you think it would "work" and how do those plans sound? I really like the idea of it!! Opinions, be nice, no language please!!!

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • DRY HAIR!! Ahh?

    i used to have awsome hair. shiny and all. but the i got it permed and it got dry and i started to get dandruff. iwant healthy hair again and i dont care if it takes the body wave out. i tried mayo ad olie oil and it didn't work. plese tell me specific products, how often and how long i should use it. i'm sick of the perm. also tell me ways to get mt hair straight again. THANKS SOOO MUCH GUYS!

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • AHH! acne scars?

    they don't sit on top of my face, their kinda under the skin i guess. ihave sensitive skin and don't want anything to make me break out. il try home and store-bought remedies just don't know what to do. pleas use VERY CLEAR instructions (what brand,how long, exactly what product,how often) thanks so much

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • !!!Eyeliner!!! Eyeliner!!!?

    i'm using rimmel right now but it keeps coming off. i can't use liquid eyeliner either. ineed one in a stick and not a pencil. i use black green and purple eyeliner. PLEASE HELP

    10 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How long do your buffer your nails for?

    My friend got a buffer and she really wants to know...please answer quickly....

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • what is the best thing to use on sensitive acne skin (home-made or store bought)?

    i don't like proactive because it made my skin worse. I've used evrything (neutregena,clearisil, and now im using clean and clear). Please use Very,Very Very clear instructions on what to do and exact product with details.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is there anything I can do to make my eyes look bigger?

    With makeup, no type of surgery (if there even is one) or without...I just want my eyes to look bigger...I have dark brown gorgeous colored (so I hear) eyes, and I love them, I just want more people to notice them...they are small...Make-up tricks or anything...

    15 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • OWWWWWWW!!! I burned my forehead with my straightener!!!?

    I was straightening my bangs and the heat like, traveled up through them and majorly burned my forehead, thankfully, you can't SEE it, but I certainly feel it...the straightener was on 395 degrees!!! I realize it doesn't need to be that high, but it was....Is there anything I can do for them, without messing them up, because they actually managed to look nice after that incident!!! Or am I just hopeless, I am just not having a good day!! I discovered MAJOR dry skin on my hands (they are NEVER dry) and the skin is peeling around my ring! Then I tripped over my door stopper, and kinda hurt my toe when I went to try and fix my make-up! So now, I am laying on my bed, hoping that I can't get hurt here!! HELP!?

    17 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How many of you have...?

    A purity ring? I am getting mine this Thursday. I have the ring now, but I have to wait until Thursday to wear it because I am going to finish the Bible study for it. The Bible study is Living Pure:Inside and Out...The ring says True Love Waits...I am so excited!

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can someone completely block a website from views for an entire internet connection?

    I think that my dad completely blocked myspace from our internet connection. Is this even possible? (I don't really care *much* but I would like to be able to view the website, at least...)

    5 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What is a Montessori school?

    I have a little boy that I watch a few days a week...during a conversation we had, he said that he is going to a Montessori school...While I HAVE heard of it, I have NOT really been told anything about it...and I can't really find any good info on google...It isn't an urgent question, just one I am super curious about!!! Thanks to all in advance!

    6 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • What do you call ppl who are engaged?

    I mean the couple. Not fiances. As if you were going to say the ________________ are looking at... The engaged? The fiancees? The...????

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think about...?

    Cutting your own bangs. I really want to cut a FEW bangs in my hair. I mean VERY FEW, but my mom won't let me do it because I supposedly won't be able to do it straight. But they are right in front, I can get them straight. And even if I didn't, I am going to curl them everyday, so you won't be able to tell...Also, do you think I should even do bangs again? I had them when I was little, like 11 was when I grew them all out. I have medium/light skin (working on that tan) and brown eyes. Dark hair, but I have reddish/blonde highlights. Thanks for any answers.

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • A song question??

    This is a Christian song, I don't know the artist. I believe it is called Dearly Loved...

    The chorus goes something like:

    His words dear brothers, His words dear friends

    to know your Maker, to lose your sin

    Did you know that you are dearly loved.

    The song is all about a guy witnessing to his friends and ppl and he is telling them that they are loved. I want to know who sings it. I like it a lot, and I don't know who it's by...PLEASE H E L P!!!

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Women ONLY!!!!?

    I hate asking this question, because some people are gonna think bad things about me, but they really aren't. My period hasn't come at all this month. It has been regular since I got it, a few months ago. I have NEVER EVER had s**. And I won't until I am married. I don't know of any other reason you could be late other than pregnancy. And it scares me a little bit. Please help, and if you cannot be nice, please don't answer (and I am NOT a little kid, I was a late starter)...

    9 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I must be an idiot, but I really don't know what concealer is...?

    Can someone tell me what it is? Please don't be mean to me, I really cannot remember(if I ever knew). I wear everything, but not concealer, I don't even think I have seen it before, hmmm..please help!

    19 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago