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Lv 612,804 points

Chris C

Favorite Answers59%

I am an insurance broker and financial advisor in Canada.

  • Are there any bible passages that say "don't doubt God" or "don't question God's method's" ...?

    Doing a little bit of a project that involves Biblical quotes and I'm looking for a Bible passage that says something to the effect of "don't question God" and the "God works in mysterious ways". Anyone know of any?


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How to deliver a death claim?

    This one is more for the other insurance advisors out there...Have you ever experienced a death claim? I just finished my first death claim with a client that was given to me. It was a poorly serviced client and this company hadn't talked to him in probably 10-15 years and I have never met the client or his beneficiaries.

    I've offered my condolences, but did they really come off as being sincere considering I don't now any of them. It was just very awkward.

    I guess my question is, how would you handle a death claim without seeming insensitive when you have never met any of the involved parties? I don't think just handing them the check and saying "If you want to invest it with me let me know" is appropriate.

    3 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago