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30 years old Married 2 kids. Full time Social Training in the Martial Art of Judo from age 4 at Budokai Judo Club and a former national competitor. Currently train at Budokan Judo Club in Ajax 14+ years collectively Former highschool wrestling champion Played Minor league Baseball for 5 years. Rugby, Football and track

  • Does it bother you?

    Specifically the knowlageble educated artists/people. When someone asks a question and others answer with made up stories or rumours. Like who invented this Martial art? and they give some bs story about it's creator being some ancient warior and how it was created thousands of years ago. Mean while the style is barely 50 years old.

    Then when you give your educated answer you get emails from other users or the asker insulting you or telling you you don't know anything etc...

    This appears to happen to me and some others I know of quite a bit.

    I know alot of the regulars specifically people who have been on here for a long time. Are getting tired of the same old BS questions and answers on here.

    Oh and for the ones who are gonna answer and saysomething stupid, thatnks for proving my point.

    10 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • how did the arm lock the Kimura in Brazilion JuJitsu get it's name?

    I know the answer... I am just curious to see who else knows and what people have to say on the matter. Call it an education question for those who don't know and actually research the answer.

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What's with people opening multiple accounts on yahoo answers....?

    Then when the questions go to voting they use them all to vote for themselfs.... Yahoo needs to prevent this some how... yes/no...

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Should Whey Protein powder cause milk to go bad if left for too long?

    I just started a new Whey Protein powder. I mixed my morning batch up and brought in in to work after an hour to an hour and a half the last bit tasted bad... I drank it last night and it was fine but it was over a much shorter time... Can you mix and leave in the fridge over night?

    11 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is your highest level of competition...?

    Ok I'm gonna weed out the BS from the truth here. All martial artists what is the highest level competitions you've been in and did you medal.

    Oh and if you say Olympics, I want the link to the web page that proves it. And make sure your art or sport is even in the olympics or a particular level of competition before you embarrass yourself.

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Will Georges St. Pierre finally become the champ?

    This was in a Canadian news page

    St. Pierre has Bad Intentions

    Canadian Press

    Mixed martial arts fighter Georges St. Pierre is getting his title shot. Again.

    The Montreal welterweight will meet UFC champion Matt Hughes on Nov. 18 at UFC 65: Bad Intentions in Sacramento, Calif. St. Pierre was to have fought Hughes at UFC 63 on Sept. 23

    11 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What's with all the tough guys?...?

    Is it just me or does it seem like there is a high number of people who think that because they have a little bit of training in a martial art than they can take on anybody or they are all knowing on the subject. And they ussually lie about the amount of training they actually have.

    It's like those people who have never played a sport like hockey or fought in an event like UFC but think they can kick everyones *** they see on TV.


    14 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Why people keep saying MMA is a style?

    MMA is not a style of fighting it is a catagory of competition. MMA is Mixed Martial Arts. You can't train in it. You start off benig skilled in one martial art like Judo than you learn another like Jiujitsu than you learn some muay tai for strikes. That's mixed martial arts. If you look at all the champions in the UFC they all have boxing trainers and wrestling trainers and Jiujitsu Trainers that they go to seperately depending on what they need to work on more.

    9 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Is the UFC intentionaly not letting George St. Pierre fight Matt Hughs for the title?

    George St Pierre has only lost one fight in his carreer. It was against Matt a few years ago. George has beet every top fighter in the devision and could easily beat most of the fighters in the other devisions. George beat BJ Pen about 3 PPV ago and finally Dana White anounced the fight between George and Matt Hughs. Now on the last PPV they say George is injured and can't fight so they're giving the fight to BJ Pen. Is somthing up?.... Is it because he's Canadian. What do you think

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago