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Anonymous asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 2 weeks ago

Some claim "nice guys" ONLY want sex. Do you think they want sex like other men, but being rejected a lot shines a light on their bitterness?

...a bitterness that more dominant/assertive and/or physically attractive men don't experience as often.

Perhaps "nice guys" are just rejected by women more often than other men for their generally more predictable nature.

Even if women don't have a double standard and it's the nice guys' bitterness that they denounce, how much rejection for being yourself can we readonably expect people to absorb before they display these feelings?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Most women aren’t actually attracted to the weak, deferential men they claim to prefer, so when they have to reject these men, they need an excuse that hides their hypocrisy.

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