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Which Had Better Music; 00s or 10s?

I'd go with 00s. The 10s sucked. Never sounded too good to me. They were too ghetto and never had a very great sound to it. Everything was so full of shiᴛ. It's sad because basically everything is rap! And that doesn't mix good with the electronic sound. Just looking at it hope the 20s won't really be that way. The 00s had more meaning.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    The industry is focusing more and more on the rhythm and less on the content, because thats what sells nowadays.

    Music nowadays is like junk food for our ears, they no longer play the role of elevating our consciousnesses

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    I liked the 2010s better, and there was a LOT of music that wasn't rap. Most of my favorite bands and songs, including from the '10s, are rock.

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