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Did you know my balls are so big if you were to put them in space, they could pass as planets?
Your actually walking on my left nut right now!
6 Answers
- Mr. WizardLv 72 weeks ago
LMAO!! It's "beer-30": Time for a cold one ( a beer, mind you ) LOL!!
See you on an AMERICAN PATRIOT FREE SPEECH FORUM SITE--because Yahoo is going Communist/Socialist!!
And to celebrate: I cancelled my Verizon cell phone accounts!! My money is going elsewhere that SUPPORTS AMERICAN PATRIOTISM.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
Really? How often have you been kicked in that part of your anatomy to cause such a condition?
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Based on this question, you don't have any.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
that sounds horrible.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
So the gravitational pull of them must be enormous - how do you explain no scientific report has mentioned a gravitational anomaly on the surface of the Earth?
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
5 year olds don’t have big balls. Now go and get your mommy to change your diapers.