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What do you think of Brexit?
I wish Britain had remained.
8 Answers
- Lord BaconLv 72 weeks agoFavorite Answer
I think it was a mistake but the decision was made so now we have to live with the consequences. The EU has its faults - plenty of them - but they are all less of a risk to the UK than being outside the EU. I suspect a later generation will be intelligent enough to seek re-entry to the EU.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Brexit has been a great success. Okay, some voted remain ( many of whom now admit they got it wrong) and that is fair enough. Then there are the remoaner scum that have spent the years since then lying and trying to stab the UK in the back. Despite them the future for the UK is looking brighter by the day.
- 2 weeks ago
Pointless, destructive and geostrategically dumb, there has not been a single positive outcome, it's all negative
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Never in the field of human conflict did so many want to come out of Europe.
- Verulam 1Lv 72 weeks ago
After much thought, we voted Remain. And that was because although we hated where the original Common Market had taken the UK in terms of too much power over our sovereign rights from Brussels, we both felt it better to keep a foot in the door rather than risk becoming some small off-short island. It may work out IF we can build trading relations around the world, but it's going to take time and not a little luck!!
The crime is Cameron thought the population would follow him (blindly) into a Remain decision and so didn't make sure everybody knew what Leaving meant!!
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
I think the European project is doomed, so we got out in good time.
The UK will not be the last to leave.