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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicLyrics · 2 weeks ago

what does the song lyrics we won't move contents to the hate U give movie.?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    So you are trying to ask a question about this song.

    "We Won't Move" by Arlissa  

    from the movie "The Hate U Give" 


    With the following lyrics: 

    So step by step

    And brick by brick

    I'll carry the weight

    For you

    When I'm gone, don't stop

    We can stand here all day

    We won't move

    No, not at all

    We won't move

    We won't move

    We won't move

    We want all the power in your grief

    (Can't hold us)

    And all the hate you give

    (Won't stop us)

    We will rise up through the falls

    We will make 'em hear it all

    We won't stop until they know

    (About us)

    All the power in your grief

    (Can't hold us)

    And all the hate you give

    (Won't stop us)

    We will do it, trouble will do it

    Let everybody hold us

    We will break through every wall

    So step by step

    And brick by brick

    I'll carry the weight

    For you

    When I'm gone, don't stop

    We gon' stand here all day

    We won't move

    No, not at all

    We won't move

    We won't move

    We won't move


    We won't move (we can stand here all day)

    We won't move

  • Alvin
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    Explain your question?

    what does  song lyrics contents  doesn't make sense.

    How does a song lyrics contents?

    So, any of the following question make more sense. 

    At the moment, people can only guess at what you intended 

    to ask.   

    However, you don't have long to update the question.

    what does the song lyrics we won't move mean in the movie 

     to "The Hate U Give?

    what are the song lyrics to "We won't move" in the movie "The Hate U Give"?

    How do the song lyrics of "We won't move" relate to the movie 

    "The Hate U Give"

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