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Is standing up for yourself something you learn on your own?

Or is it something you need somebody to teach to you?

2 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you have to learn on your own for it to be genuine but maybe you need encouragement. If you’re talking about a kid, you might have to teach them. It’s sad to think of a kid not standing up for themself...but personally I had to learn with time for it to be genuine. I’m proud of myself for finally standing up to the robber. I think I was so disgusted I didn’t know how to process my feelings at first...but I feel an overwhelming “right choice” made for threatening a restraining order. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    You learn it through experience with other people.  So even if you're learning on your own, you're not doing it alone.  

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