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If it was possible to go 20 million miles from earth do you think strange new planets would be found ?
12 Answers
- Nuff SedLv 72 weeks ago
We have actually sent things much farther than that.
It would certainly be "strange" to discover another planet within that distance, since it's within our own solar system and someone probably would have noticed.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Forget about the 20 million miles from earth--Yes, I think there are planets way further out there that we know nothing about--yet.
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
There would be the Planet Zxerxese
Home of the Bionic Barf Bunnies
Source(s): They put their trash out on Wednesdays - tham153Lv 72 weeks ago
You asked the same dumb questionn on quora. Venus at its closest is 27 million miles from Earth. Neptune is 2 billion miles away. 20 million is very neighborly.
- ?Lv 72 weeks ago
In space terms , that’s still in our back garden.
The nearest planet , Venus is at least 65 million miles away.
Pluto is at least 2.5 billion miles away, so we know what exists that far away.
- nineteenthlyLv 72 weeks ago
No. That's about the distance of the closest planet, Venus, at its closest approach.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
The only planets within anything like that distance is Venus and Mars, and even then it is only during close approaches. Both are not at all "strange" in the sense that they have been extensively explored using orbiters and landers.
Within 20 billion miles? Nope. Unless there are a few rogue planets floating around, then there are no planets except those in our own solar system. Once again, all the planets in our solar system have been visited by spacecraft, so they are only strange in that more exploration is needed to tell us more about them.
20 trillion miles? Nope. Haven't even reached out to the nearest start in that distance.
200 trillion miles. A few stars are now included in that distance. Some of them are known to have planets. But there is no reason to suspect that any of those planets are in any way any stranger than Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, etc.
All of which suggests that you need to read up on some astronomy textbooks, and get yourself a feel for the real scale of the universe. FIction such as movies, and tv series don't really cut it.
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
God, will the stupid never end? Wait, only 4 more days and the stupid on YA will end. But the stupid of Vic will go on and on ....
- MorningfoxLv 72 weeks ago
Mars is about 178 million miles from Earth. Venus is around 159 million. Those are the closest planets. Going 20 million miles would be just a bit toward Venus or Mars, not even half-way.
- ANDRE LLv 72 weeks ago
Wow, and in no good ways.
No planet in this solar system is that close to the Earth.