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A game suggestion?
so recently my dad wanted to get into gaming but i couldn't decide what he can play since he is gonna play video games for the first time in his life
any suggestions?note:for console (xbox one)
thank you!
maybe "for honor" ? but it might be too complicated for him
5 Answers
- 2 weeks ago
Im a gamer i play 3 hours to 4 i keep a daily scheulde for my gaming time anyways i am A PS4 guy so even though i cant say games for xbox 1 i do know some xbox 1 games subnatiuca HALO Minecraft he can use creative mode or survival.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
nintendo games are the simplest games...why because they have less buttons...but also a pain in the *** to hold....but im guessing you dont have a switch or a wii...nor do I. Got Journey? maybe Flower? or Abzu?
- 3 weeks ago
"He" wanted to get into gaming, but I ( ie you) couldn't decide what he could play...
shouldn't he be making that decision?, lol
what does he like, what interests him, you can't just base someone's gaming preference on age, although most people preference changes with age,you can't stereotype preference that way because it would be wrong far more often than not,,,,how about sports, simulations..?...need more info kid..
- PyrusLv 63 weeks ago
Start with a regular shooter game, the one with checkpoints, not an open-world RPG. Give him a couple of games like that (maybe something from the Rainbow 6 series). You can also go with Homefront, which is also very nice and not long, but not too short either. And after that, you can go for more open-world AAA games like something from the Fallout Series or the Elder Scrolls series (with mods that you'll install for him of course), GTA V, etc.