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is Nintendo Switch just for kids or can adults own one too ?
11 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Anyone can use it, I'm an adult and I love my Switch. Get whatever games interest you and don't worry about what anyone tells you about your gaming preferences.
- 2 weeks ago
HAHAHA "Rosie" is a PC Gamer, and those ******* fools are like flies to the light, basically dumb *****.
SONY is key, then Nintendo, then and only then, if you don't own a computer, buy an Xbox, hahahaha.
I like when people say "WOW, the XBOX is like a mini computer". Yeah, well have a cookie, you broke the mystery.
Microsoft has NOTHING to offer worth a damn the others can't get soon enough.
Oh, "HALO", what year is this?
Not to mention "Fallout"?
Really, Bethesda ****** up and Microsoft bought the rights, hahaha.
Sorry, but yeah.
Nintendo Switch is awesome for adults also (I'm acting not much like one, but, I'm a REAL GAMER).
PC Gamers are full of it.
I was in this game since 2600.
- ?Lv 62 weeks ago
Its for everyone...although i keep emailing nintendo asking them to make a non-portable version so that i can change games without looking like a moron
- TStoddenLv 73 weeks ago
While Nintendo is the "family friendly" option & offerings are mostly kid-friendly, the Switch does have some adult games (Skyrim, Witcher III, Saints Row series, Bioshock series, Borderlands series, ect.) & allows players to enjoy them both at home & on the go without skipping a beat in terms of game progression.
It's perfectly OK for adults to own a Switch as I have seen non-parents picking up Switches for their personal use. If you can't handle that, just move off to the side & let everybody else enjoy the gaming ride.
- 3 weeks ago
well nintendo would definately preach that for obvious reasons, and there's nothing to stop anyone playing or owning whatever they choose in terms of gaming console's..
But here's the thing, why then would you post this question?, am I not right in believing it's because you question that notion?..
Let's put it this way most players who enjoy playing deeper more complex games, are not interested in the simplicity of nintendo's games, infact nintendo's game format profile hasn't changed since the late 80's early 90's when the kid's market was by far the biggest % of the market, and that's who thier games were intended to appeal to, they had the biggest slice of the market then, but they are a long way behind now, because quite simply thier syle of games does not appeal to the majority of the adult market,,,,such as me..
- 3 weeks ago
Nintendo switch is a console for all ages. For example my father tried it out and loved the udder milking game. Just don't question it. I mean, i have many friends who are above the age of 25 who sweat out games like monster hunter world as they grew up with it in their childhood. but, from what ive seen, adults tent to play games that require hours put into games, where as children like to play the minigames with joycons. so, yes, i think anyone can use the nintendo switch. hope this answered your question! :)