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Why does coffee smell good when it's brewing but smells like an ashtray once you pour it in a cup?
4 Answers
- CrustyCurmudgeonLv 73 weeks ago
Your best bet is to stop smelling ashtrays. Properly brewed coffee has a wonderful aroma while brewing and in the cup. For taste-good, smell-good coffee, spend the $300.00 and buy a Breville coffee machine. Complete control and probably the best coffee you have smelled or tasted.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
If the water us too hot it burns the flavor compounds. So you can smell them being released (good) but when you drink it, it's burnt/bad. The water should be no higher than 94 degrees Celsius. Over steeping it will make it bitter.
{Drip machines have the tendency to burn them. Get a French Press and a kettle with a thermometer in it.]
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
You are messed up - tastes/smells NOTHING of the sort to me. Maybe you have covid-19