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Is there a limit to how 'smart' AI will get - is the term 'AI' contradictory in its own right ?

Intelligence is either Intelligence or its not.   I don't understand the term 'Artificial' Intelligence.

so you're saying its 'non human' rationalising and decision making,  based on a set of pre-programmed/hard-wired rules or algorithms from which it will go away and 'build upon' to learn more and more about its surroundings.

however we all know AI and machines will never be able to mimic real emotions which we humans exhibit and other intricate unique behavioral patterns exclusive to us all.

everyone has their own unique ways with coping with pressure, extreme grief, elation, etc.

Perhaps AI would be smarter in knowing how to turn $5 into $50 in 'x' amount of time, weras we humans are flawed when it comes to the art of saving money.

we are the mercy of the media.  it tells us what is essentially 'luxury' and what people 'want' the most so we all try and aim for that.

AI would be flawless in reaching its goals eliminating all distractions and hindrances whilst taking into account risk analysis and mitigation, while we humans are driven on emotion most of the time.

Still, I can't help but wonder if AI will ever truly become 'perfect'.  

Is AI flawed ?

2 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    There are actually two different types of AI (though as far as I know, the two types have not been labelled differently yet).

    ONE - is the one that most of us are used to, the one that makes a computer APPEAR to make intelligent decisions - but in fact the computer is merely following a program. That is: the computer itself is not actually making ANY decision, it is helplessly following program instructions which FORCE the computer to make the decisions that it makes, and the decisions that it has been forced to make have the appearance of intelligent decision-making.

    This is the AI typical in computer gaming and other sorts of relatively simplistic interactive computer programs.

    I call this "AI where the intelligence is not real intelligence, the intelligence itself is artificial"

    Artificial Fake Intelligence.

    THE OTHER - is the sort of computers that LEARN, that acquire experiences and make decisions based on those experiences WITHOUT any fixed computer program mandating what decisions the computer makes under what circumstances. There are various types of such processors, one example being a neural net processor.

    I call this "AI where the intelligence is real but constructed artificially rather than biologically, the intelligence is real, the components forming the intelligence are artificial".

    Artificial Real Intelligence [ARI]

    Now, the last I read from a reputable source

    - which was probably ten years ago

    was that ARI had advanced to the point where the most advanced ARI had mental capacity on par with an ant.

    I assume that it has advanced VERY much further since that time


    realize that "very much further" might be something like

    the intelligence of a honey bee

    or the intelligence of a dragon fly.

    I doubt that it has advanced to the stage

    - the intelligence of a mouse

    I don't know the current state of what I call ARI


    there is no reason to believe that ARI has some sort of unsurpassable intelligence limit.

    That is: there is no reason to believe that we cannot one day manufacture ARI processors that are more intelligent than human beings.

    If we do

    and if we set them to the task of designing even MORE intelligent ARI processors

    then of course the only limit is the fact that there are limited materials to make a processor.

    An ARI that "took over the world" Terminator-style

    could feasibly work to create the "ultimate ARI"

    that used every resource available on Earth for the construction and operation of the ARI. That would be the limit (unless the ARI employed spacecraft to acquire even more resources), and no telling how smart such an ARI might be.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    we don't know if AI is even possible.  its all been in science fiction.  We do call some things ai..but a computer that can recognize a pattern is not a real Ai.  its just trying to imitate one.  

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