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Anonymous asked in News & EventsOther - News & Events · 4 weeks ago

Why does no Western power intervene in Yemen like they do everywhere else?

7 Answers

    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    You're lucky if you're news channel is mentioning Yemen, let alone discussing it. One of the poorest Arab countries adjacent to one of the richest Arab countries.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Yemen is strategically important because of it geographical location. A couple of years ago the Houthis were gaining power, but they are not allies of the west, so the US and its allies decided to put a stop to that by supplying arms to Saudi Arabia to destroy Yemen and put in a government that supports the oil business of the west. 

    It is all about politics and getting a pro-western government in power, no matter how many innocent people are killed. 

  • gerald
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    They are !!  Britain has supplied 10 billion worth of arms in the last few years to Saudi Arabia the USA more , yemen is having a civil war  where like Syria rebels are trying to take over but the west wants to stop them so get Saudi Arabia to do their dirty work , like they did with Sadam Hussein and Iran then killed him as you do , and our arms manufacturers make billions killing kids in Yemem our celebraties  ask for charity to help the people and kids as you do in a manic society led by money 

  • 4 weeks ago

    We are intervening, on the side of the Saudi's

  • They have been fighting a proxy war.  The West is funding Saudi Arabia to support the government.  Russia is funding Iran to support the rebels.

  • Saudi Arabia tells them not to, and too many Western countries bow to the Saudis, so they can literally get away with murder

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    I studied in Yemen.  It was a nice place before people like the Saudis and Mr Obama started shooting and bombing the place up.

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