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16 Answers
- SW-6Lv 62 weeks ago
This is a good question in one that makes you think hard, and also find it almost impossible to answer, so I will say this: If a crazy insane man breaks in my house, grabs my arm and drags me out to sit at the picnic table he has set up in my driveway, sets a Whopper and fries on one end, then a Big Mac and fries on the other, pulls out a gun, cocks it and puts it to my head and demands I finish eating one of these meals, only then would I gravitate toward the Big Mac and fries and try my best to get it all down. Other than that - I hate both places, Burger King especially. OMG, dry heave....
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
McDonalds burgers are real beef just not enough of it and their fries are the best.
Burger king burgers are soy, horse meat, and fillers and their fries are lousy
- 2 weeks ago
Wendy's and A&W was not part of the question, damn, Checkers/Rally's is ******* KING, but McDonald's over Burger King.
A&W is like nowhere anymore, Damn, nobody wants a hotdog?
Grew up down the street from one and they had the statues.
A gallon of rootbeer, wow, those where the days.
Checkers is ******* Amazing!!!!!!
- ForwardLv 62 weeks ago
I like both. In fact, I like all the fast food outlets including A & W and Wendy's.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
burger king because mcdonalds make you fat and we go stab them to death tomorrow
Source(s): i kill mcdonalds - Anonymous3 weeks ago
I just threw up in my mouth a little
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
I prefer McDonald's fries but Burger King have better burgers.