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Do you make your hot drinks at home or buy whilst out?
How many cups of tea or coffee do you estimate drinking each day. Do you make them all yourself in your own kitchen or do you buy them in cafes or coffee shops. How much do you estimate you spend on having hot drinks whilst out shopping etc.
6 Answers
- RICKLv 74 weeks ago
2-3 cups of coffee a day, usually made at home
Might buy a cup of coffee if I dine out and have a rich desert
- AudreyLv 74 weeks ago
At home. I can make a cup of coffee with delicious coffee mate at home for about 25 cents vs 5 bucks at Starbucks.
- 4 weeks ago
I usually drink seven or eight cups of tea, coffee, cocoa, herbal tea and so on every day. Most of the time, what I drink is a hot drink with milk.
I love these kinds of drinks, so I have a wide variety of drinks that some of my friends call my home "Kaname Cafe.".
So I make drinks in my kitchen almost every day. It is rare that I just pour commercial drinks into a cup.
I used to bring drinks from my kitchen to work ... at least before the New normal after COVID-19.
But I still often order exciting drinks at cafes and coffee shops when I go out.
I'd estimate $4 to $7 per cup for a franchise cafe or $5 to $15 for a not
franchise beverage store.
Whether going out alone or with friends, cafes and coffee shops are a very familiar option for me.
Since I live in a city with a population of over 10 million people, there are so many cafes and cafes that it is impossible to cover them all in my lifetime.
So when I decide which cafes to enter while I am out, almost always check the reputation of the cafes and beverage shop around the station before or while I go out, and then choose the one just follow my heart.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
2 cups coffee, 1 cup tea usually. Made myself. I make better coffee than anything you can buy in a cafe, so I don't bother.
- JanetLv 74 weeks ago
I stopped drinking coffee and tea after they started to trigger episodes of atrial fibrolation. But before then, I made my own coffee/tea. I never DID buy them while out shopping.