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I think Starbucks need to reduce their caffeine amount Have u had any symptoms Of too much caffeine ?
I think they need to be sued for caffeinated beverages
High caffeinated “
8 Answers
- 3 weeks ago
It is well known that Starbucks coffee, or any coffee for that matter, contains caffeine. Personally, I love the buzz of Starbucks’ coffee. If you think it’s too much, then don’t order coffee from Starbucks! DUH!! Easy fix.
As for suing them for their caffeine amount, that’s gotta be the most idiotic thinking I’ve come across in quite a while! What’s next? Suing bars for putting alcohol in the cocktail you ordered because you woke up with a hangover?? Seriously, get a grip, & take responsibility for your choices!
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
I've sometimes had issues associated with consuming too much caffeine,
however not drunk Starbucks in awhile. It's quite overpriced in my opinion.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
Everyone knows the drinks are caffeine tedious
If you don't like them don't buy them
Because everyone knows they are caffeinated there is no basis for a low suit
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
You think Starbucks needs cater to your inability to ingest the correct amount of caffeine for your delicate constitution - you are INSANE! If you don't like the products shop somewhere else.
- yLv 74 weeks ago
I'm not quite sure I understand. Yes, I have had too much caffeine but it was I, who chose to drink it. Just like it is you, that chooses to buy whatever at Starbucks and consume it. It is not on them if you choose to buy and consume too much.