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I found out in 2019 that my brother who we were unable to locate died in 2013, I have a copy of Death Certificate I cannot find any info, ?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    With the certificate you have location.  Gives at least a chance of finding where he worked, and should give his home address.  Even though now eight years have passed, if sufficiently motivated and affordable, go there and start ringing doorbells.  With any luck you'll find people who knew him.  (Of course, the luck will be bad if he died owing them money.)

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Not sure what info you want, however as you have the death cert you can use the info on it so where did he die, you can look at directories to see if you can find his address he lived at ( if it doesn't state it already on his death cert) you can research the person who was the informant on the death cert, also check local newspapers to see if there is an obituary or story/article about him

  • 1 month ago

    He may have had an obituary. The "Informant" on the death certificate may have known him; they may have not. If the DC lists occupation and employer, someone there may remember him. The chances of finding out his favorite color, what he thought about Chinese food, his best friends . . . are slight.

    As u/y said, if he died young, he local newspaper, on microfilm in the county library (where he died, not yours) may have a news article.

    But, the chance you'll find his hopes and dreams, best friends, romantic interests, hobbies, the softball teams he played on, his favorite restaurants or home-made meal . . . are small. What did you hope to find?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Death Certificate will tell you jurisdiction and cause. From there you can find a police report after jumping through the appropriate hoops. May even be able to find news articles in the following days of his death, from the area.

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