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Are you a coffee drinker, if so, what's the max price you'll pay a. for a 100g jar of coffee and b. for a cup of coffee whilst out and about?
4 Answers
- conley39Lv 71 month ago
Yes, I drink coffee. $5 for a cup. $10 for the jar but I don't buy it that way.
- 1 month ago
I get cafe bustelo, $3.99 per 8oz can. I can totally kill myself with caffeine intoxication for $4. On a very rare occasion I'll get a gas station coffee for $2. Traveling is the most likely scenario. I once got a quad espresso from Starbucks when I knew I had 20 mins to kill before needing to be somewhere. Other than that, no way I'm buying a $12 milk shake and $40 diet pills in the same transaction like in most people's daily lives.