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When did you became a tea drinker?
16 Answers
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Around 12. I grew up in a tea drinking household but my mother believed that caffeine stunted growth, so I wasn't allowed any until after I had my first period. I love tea. I've a cup of Kenyan Kaimosi next to me right now, but I wouldn't say no to a builder's brew either.
- WOOWHOLv 71 month ago
when i started CHEMO therapy and radiation therapy late 2018 some of the drug and treatment side effects were that of digestive ..and coffee consumption was associated with increased gastric distress
, to date still on chemo therapy my 3rd set of treatments
prior to that i was a 8 cup a day coffee drinker related to being a midnight shift worker and began drinking coffee at age 7 in my cereal Today orange and black tea is very well tolerated about 4- 16 oz cups a day hot or cold
- 1 month ago
I like to drink tea, green tea, black tea, black tea, white tea. Drink different teas in different seasons.
- deniseLv 71 month ago
Probably when I was a toddler, Mother probably put it in a 'child beaker', I love it still, 'a lot of years later'!.
- Anonymous1 month ago
1969. I was kid, but I loved it.