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Do you enjoy drinking Coca Cola?
43 Answers
- spinesignLv 41 month ago
junk food. Too much sugar, and acidic
Source(s): Vartanian, L. R., Schwartz, M. B., & Brownell, K. D. (2007). Effects of soft drink consumption on nutrition and health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American journal of public health, 97(4), 667–675. - 1 month ago
Long Story Short, YES.
I've always loved A&W, Cherry 7up and Dr Pepper, oh and till the gastric issues Lemon Sunkist.
While working third shift I was all about Mountain Dew and A&W when I went home.
Now it's back to Dr Pepper and 7up.
Here's the thing,,,,, I just bought a case of Coke yesterday, cause I was craving the taste, Pepsi SUCKS (and I was born in 1980).
Coca Cola in a glass is just awesome.
- CrustyCurmudgeonLv 71 month ago
Yes, but I can't anymore. I have an allergy to aspartame, and really don't need sugared drinks. I used to buy Diet Coke sweetened with Splenda, but my bottler discontinued it during the aluminum can shortage. Now I'm drinking Diet Rite if I'm going to eat in the car at a fast food outlet, or use the Carbonated Beverage Machine I bought with Splenda cola syrup. Now I can also drink diet Dr. Pete and satisfy my Pepper cravings. Home carbonation rules.