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Is Christian child indoctrination a form of abuse?

As before they have developed reasoning skills most Christian parents will teach their children that

- an always existed invisible god made everything

- it's a virtue to believe in things without evidence.

- they are born bad and need forgiveness or else

- bible god murdering humanity in a flood is great story

- this humanity murdering god is the meaning of love

- they can talk to the sky and get things fixed

- bible god is always watching, he's everywhere

- children who don't worship bible god go to hell

- they better be good our they will go to hell

- an evil invisible ground wizard is out to get them to hell

- doubting bible god is the evil invisible ground wizard

- bible god via a virgin, sent himself as a sacrifice to himself so he could forgive humanity for how he made us and save us from a hell he made.

- they can talk to bible god through his sacrifice and ask for forgiveness for being themselves.




@ ? There are better ways to develop humanity than keeping children in check with with mythical threats and nonsense.

Update 2:

@David. Society will change its view, but not soon.

Update 3:

@ the other ?. Was the little list too long for you? Not all need to be included for every parent. Maybe you would be better to address the list in your own time when your ready to challenge yourself.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course it is!  Using fear tactics and mental terrorism on your children, practically since birth, is horrible child abuse.  Terrorizing them with eternal damnation and torture forever in hell, just to scare them into the cult and keep them there, is horrific and it really should be illegal.

  • 1 month ago

    Alright now lets look at the other side of the coin,If the Bible is right it would be child abuse not to teach a child about the Lord Jesus.As far as talking about brainwashing and unproven things the teaching of evolution takes the cake. People believe a lot of things but we do not know very much.People believe what they hear or read but they have no personal way of proving what they are let to believe.As far as that goes neither do their teachers or  speakers on T.V.

    If someone says a fossil is 100 million years old then he has no personal prove for it.He just says what he was told.

    As for you and I we believe what we hear and we believe what we want to believe whether or not it is true.

  • 1 month ago

    2 Timothy 3:15 admonishes parents to teach children God’s word from infancy. 

  • 1 month ago

    NALT Christians such as ourselves did not take that approach with our children, one of whom is now atheist and the other of whom is probably agnostic as adults, and that's fine with us.

  • 1 month ago

    Dream on, pard.  Dream on.  It is not abuse to teach children to find things out for themselves.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Not any more so than "indoctrinating" them in matters of health, diet, manners, truth, education, and other realities they need in order to be fully formed as human beings.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Learn the definition between abuse and education.  You obviously don't know it.

  • 1 month ago

    This question is an abuse and a breach of the Community guidelines.

    Your statements are plain wrong and dishonest. Presumably your gross ignorance is fueled by hatred?

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    No because teaching a child of God and the best lessons of life is quite beneficial for children.  In fact, science has found that children brought up with faith in God are more stable adults.  Alternatively, and scientifically, it's child abuse to not teach a child these things that lead them to become stable adults, even worse to indoctrinate them with the atheist delusion that leads people to ask irrational questions like you did.

  • 1 month ago

    Very young children are not taught that list of things. I know lots of Christian parents who taught their children from an early age that they are loved, and precious, not just by them but by the One who made everything; that kindness, goodness and peace are this God's purpose for those who trust in Him. Of course, you realize that children who have not yet developed their reasoning skills don't grasp concepts like suffering and injustice? Well, not unless they have been abused by adults in their tender years.

    Your list is silly, given that hardly anything in it could be comprehended by a very young child. The Bible is not a book for young children either. It's for adults, and Christian parents do not go into adult themes with young children. They have to start going to school for un-Christian teachers to launch them into subjects like virginity, sex, sacrifice and wizards (oh, unless the children like to read Harry Potter books for themselves).

  • Den B7
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Yes. Just like saying the Pledge of Allegiance is.

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