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? asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 2 months ago

Is a serious injury like gamer thumb potentially career ending?

1 Answer

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Internet gaming isn't only a mainstream leisure activity – proficient gamers can make up to $10 million at every competition. With a great many onlookers watching the competitions on the web, face to face at uber scenes like Madison Square Garden and the Staples Center, and on significant TV stations like ESPN3 or the Big Ten Network, there's a ton of time and cash put into this more up to date sport. Esports may even be added as an award occasion at the 2024 Olympic games1.

    On the off chance that other genuine competitors spend their lives rehearsing and planning for immense occasions like these, at that point it bodes well that gamers do as well. Many top gamers practice 12 to 15 hours every day. Like different games, esports can cause an assortment of wounds and hurts. Most are hand and wrist wounds from the fast, dull movements required for each game. Some are brought about by helpless stance while sitting for significant stretches of time.

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