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I have a question about the WWE Royal Rumble PPV. question in the details below.?
Say I win the Royal Rumble match. I have to choose which title I can go for. The Question is. As the Royal Rumble winner can I challenge both The SmackDown WWE Universal Champion and The Raw WWE Champion making the match at Wrestlemania a triple threat match.
5 Answers
- 3 months ago
Only if that is how WWE wants to write that storyline. WWE already did that in 2019 when Becky Lynch beat Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey and Smackdown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair at WrestleMania 35 and left Met Life Stadium at East Rutherford, New Jersey with both Championships. Don't you remember Becky Two Belts?
- 18 gibbs 20Lv 73 months ago
Where are rules not rules? In the WWE. If someone thinks this is a way to sell Wrestlemania then they would do it.