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Is it safe to be in quarintine with my dad?
So I have three bedrooms in my house, one room is for me and my sister, the other room is for my aunt and uncle and the last room is for my parents.
A few days ago my dad tested positive for the coronavirus so he stayed in quarantined in his room, But then a yesterday I tested positive for coronavirus! I decided to stay in quarintine in his room, I was wondering if it's safe since he had it longer than me?
Any thoughts? suggestions?
4 Answers
- Anonymous3 months ago
Yes it is safe if you both have it. I envy you. I wish my Dad and I could quarantine together for 2 weeks.
- Anonymous3 months ago
see a doctor and good luck...
- Anonymous3 months ago
All you need to do to catch CoVid is breathe it in. So don't share the same air with the uninfected.
As for you and your father. Let's say one of you got better. The antibodies last in your body for weeks. So you're both safe. You two have the same sickness so you're not going to be in a worse situation by staying in the same room as him.