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Should I go see a tarot card reader?
Regardless of how much they charge me whether it's cheap or expensive- I just really wanna know my love life and career life, but it feels like if I'm talking to the devil... What do you guys think?? Should I do it?
10 Answers
- PubliusLv 73 months ago
No, definitely not. If it doesn't work, it's useless, and if it does work, it's dangerous.
- Anonymous3 months ago
Deut. 18:There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, anyone practicing magic, anyone who looks for omens, a sorcerer, 11 anyone binding others with a spell, anyone who consults a spirit medium or a fortune-teller, or anyone who inquires of the dead. 12 For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah, and on account of these detestable practices Jehovah your God is driving them away from before you.
- CrustyCurmudgeonLv 73 months ago
Grasshopper, you have the capability to shape the ending you want. First, understand that you can be in control of your own fate. Then design the life you want, and consider those wants as you meditate two or three times a week. Train your subconscious on where you want to be, and it will help you get there. Never give over your future to fate of happenstance. Repeat: "I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul".
- Anonymous3 months ago
No matter what you're told, either you're taking steps toward a successful career or you are not. A tarot reader could tell you you'll be an astronaut, but could you believe it? It is because you have no PLAN that you want someone to tell you everything will work out for you. If you can stand the idea, consider something in the medical field.
- Anonymous3 months ago
Should you do so, be certain to shuffle the cards yourself.
-𝒞ℴ𝓇𝓋𝓊𝓈 ℬ𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓉𝒽ℴ𝓇𝓃ℯ
- Anonymous3 months ago
I thought you were a tarot card reader